• Hochschul-Hackathon Brandenburg. University Hackathon Brandenburg

Digital teaching, learning, living: the MWFK and the Univer­si­ty of Appli­ed Scien­ces Potsdam, in coope­ra­ti­on with Brandenburg’s univer­si­ties, organis­ed a state-wide univer­si­ty hacka­thon on the challenges of digital teaching. The hacka­thon took place online on the weekend of 8 to 10 May 2020.

In additi­on to digital teaching, the focus was also on the changes in digital learning and living, especi­al­ly with regard to educa­tio­nal equity. The hacka­thon was aimed at students, teachers, univer­si­ty members and other interes­ted parties. Within the shortest possi­ble time, the parti­ci­pan­ts were expec­ted to develop soluti­ons to the greatest challenges in these areas.

How can lectures and seminars be trans­fer­red to digital? How can students without Inter­net access be reached? And how can exchan­ge and cohesi­on among students be promo­ted? A total of 17 challenges were submit­ted in the three areas of digital teaching, digital learning and digital living, and six approa­ches to soluti­ons were developed.

Source: Univer­si­ty Hacka­thon Brandenburg