The last depart­ment of the Potsdam Univer­si­ty of Appli­ed Scien­ces was to move to the new Kiepen­heu­er­al­lee campus in the winter semes­ter of 2017/18. In order to captu­re the mood of the univer­si­ty students and staff as well as impres­si­ons of the building short­ly before the move, the short film “Kurz vor Schluss” (Short­ly before the end) was made in the summer semes­ter of 2017. It features the last weeks of the univer­si­ty building on the Friedrich-Ebert-Straße.

The move and demoli­ti­on of the 1970s GDR building was extre­me­ly contro­ver­si­al in Potsdam. After filming for seven days in June and July 2017, we had actual­ly planned one last day of filming, but in mid-July the building was occup­ied by activists. After the eviction, the univer­si­ty site was then no longer open to the public. In 2018, the building was final­ly demolished.

The premie­re of the film took place on 21 October 2017 as part of the “Kehraus” farewell event at the Alter Markt market square in Potsdam.