• Entwurf: Medien im Design der BRANDSTUVE: Flugblatt, Visitenkarte, Button, Brief, Satzung, Webseite, Social media

The Branden­burg Student Union is the associa­ti­on of student unions from Brandenburg’s univer­si­ties. Its State Confe­rence is ancho­red in the Branden­burg Higher Educa­ti­on Act. The aim of the BRANDSTUVE is to coordi­na­te the interests of the students and their student bodies and to repre­sent them effectively.

The BRANDSTUVE had been inacti­ve for years. One of the first tasks of the newly elected Speak­ers’ Council in 2018 was to reacti­va­te the inter­nal struc­tures. Regular confe­ren­ces and a new inter­nal platform for networ­king and colla­bo­ra­ti­on were crucial for this. After a successful start and with well-functio­ning struc­tures, it was now time to take a look at the branding, as the old brand image was no longer up to date.

The new brand identi­ty was to replace the outda­ted brand image and adapt it to the new requi­re­ments. The profi­le of the BRANDSTUVE was defined in open workshops with repre­sen­ta­ti­ves from various univer­si­ties. Several variants were then develo­ped, and in the end the univer­si­ties chose their favou­ri­te. The result is an identi­ty that reflects a strong, compe­tent and well-connec­ted state student union. This identi­ty includes clear­ly defined target groups, a new logo, a colour palet­te, imagery and a charac­te­ristic typography.

Mit der neuen Identi­tät wurde ein ausklapp­ba­rer Flyer mit allge­mei­nen Infor­ma­tio­nen zur BRANDSTUVE gestal­tet, welches die Struk­tur vorstellt und eine Karten­über­sicht der branden­bur­gi­schen Hochschu­len zeigt. Aktua­li­siert wurden auch die Website, die inter­ne Platt­form und der Auftritt in den sozia­len Medien. Für Briefe, Satzun­gen, Proto­kol­le, Formu­la­re und Präsen­ta­tio­nen wurden neue Vorla­gen erstellt. Für die Teilnah­me an öffent­li­chen Veran­stal­tun­gen wurden für den Spreche­rin­nen­rat Holzbut­tons mit dem BRAND­STUVE-Logo sowie Visiten­kar­ten gestaltet.